Friday, November 20, 2009

Spiritual clarity....

I had a very eye-opening weekend almost a week ago, and I’m having a difficult time putting it in words. I guess the best way I can word is to say that I felt totally connected with spirit, and I have an awareness that I had not previously known before.

I have been on the precipice of a fairly big decision for a while now, and it’s something that has been very difficult, because it will affect not only myself, but also my family a great deal. I went back and forth, “knowing” what it is I need to do, but doubting my ability and resolve to do it. I also have most of my family and friends behind me on this decision. Not only that, but my schedule just fell into place that would greatly help me with this. Many other signals that what was happening now was very negative and that I need to move forward for the benefit of my family. Everything just seems to be falling into place for that decision. It felt right.

Despite all this, I had ‘fear’ about this decision. Most of this fear revolves around what “other people” might think or say. How do I explain to them? Try as I might, I do still care what other people think (sometimes)…something I am working on.

Then, something very powerful happened on Saturday. I’m not going to go into I this venue, but I finally got it loud and clear what it is I need to do. It came from within me and outside of me. Total clarity. My friends who understand spirituality the way I do will maybe understand what I am saying. I know this is right with my whole being and that whatever self-doubt I have I need to brush aside for this along with any of the outside influence that might object. I feel I have to listen to this.

In fact, just the other day, someone asked me if maybe I should hold off on this for a while. I told them how can I deny that this anymore? The message is so clear. I can no longer ignore this.

This experience has opened up a whole new spiritual awareness for me, and I feel energized and very connected at this moment. Listening to my intuition has always been difficult for me, but I think this is a huge step forward for me in recognizing the difference between intuition and fear.  I thank my friends and family for holding my hand along the way :)

Wednesday, October 21, 2009

Hard day

Today marks 3 months since dad passed away. I woke at about 1 a.m. with a feeling of dread. Today has been really hard. The weather today is cold and rainy, and I realized that I don’t remember what the weather was like July 21. I don’t remember a lot about that time. I spent much of the day fighting back the sadness that is threatening to take over. I would like to write much more in depth, but this is all I have in me today. I miss you dad.

Sunday, August 30, 2009

Tomatoes and Other Perishable Things

Sunday, August 30, 2009

So this is the 3rd night in a row (I know, can’t hardly believe it myself) that I’ve made dinner from scratch. I had a bag of vegetables (tomatoes and cucumbers) from my parent’s garden. I love tomatoes…so did dad. Dad worked very hard in that garden up until a couple of weeks before he passed.

Every summer for many years, I’ve waited impatiently for dad’s tomatoes to ripen. He grew the best tomatoes (in my opinion). This fall will be the last of them, the ones that dad grew anyway. About a week ago, I ate the last cookie that he had made (after retirement, dad started baking). Soon, there will be a lot of firsts…the first holidays without dad, the first milestones that he won’t be here for.

As I cut into the tomatoes this afternoon, I tried to relish each bite that I stole while making dinner, and watched as the seeds and juice spilled out onto the cutting board not wanting to waste any of it now.

Saturday, August 29, 2009

Beautiful Day

Today, I woke up with this glorious feeling that everything is going to be alright now. The weather was perfect for me, 60 degrees with a slight breeze and wispy clouds. Just beautiful. The feeling that fall, my favorite season, is on the way. I went for a drive as I often do, and I couldn’t shake this feeling that the past couple of years of a most difficult time were over and that this was the beginning of something new and brighter. All of the burdens of my dad’s illness, Matt’s dad’s illness, the flood, and so much more felt lifted.

Then, of course, I felt guilt for feeling this way. And I tried to search for what would be the cause of this guilt. It wasn’t guilt about not getting to say goodbye to my dad and father-in-law. I made sure over the past 2 years that I said all I felt I needed to say to my dad. I spent the past few weeks of his life taking care of him and knowing I did not have any loose ends to tie up there. I got the chance to say goodbye to my father-in-law the day before he past, and it was one of the most beautiful experiences.

So why guilt? And I discovered the reason I felt guilty was because I didn’t feel “bad.” I felt relieved. I searched deeper inside of myself. Mind you, I was driving, so too deep of soul-searching could be hazardous. But, a place very deep inside me whispered that guilt is a useless emotion. It’s okay. It’s okay to feel relieved that it’s all over, that, maybe, finally, a dark cloud is lifting. Relief. It’s okay to enjoy the new day set before me. It’s okay to have a moment of deep sadness and then soon after that a moment of joy.

I just have a feeling that there are much bigger things ahead for me and probably brighter too. I know the sadness is going to return, and probably frequently, but I’m not afraid of it.