Wednesday, January 26, 2011

What do you see when you look in the mirror?

Last summer, I had a vision of 'me' as the person I wanted to be.  She was beautiful, radiant, glowing, and she was being who she wanted to be.  I held onto that vision since then and thought of myself as being that person who I saw.   Last Saturday morning, I woke up to get ready for a weekend workshop that I have been excited about for a while.  I took my shower, got dressed and started working on my hair and makeup.  That's when I looked into the mirror.  There she was....beautiful, radiant, glowing, just like in the vision only now manifest in physical.  I stared back at her, somewhat shocked.  Wow, I thought...I am actually becoming who I set out be over a year ago.  I took a picture, and it pretty well captured how I was feeling that morning (my new profile pic).  I normally shy away from the camera, but I just needed to see if what I saw in the mirror was a mirage.

It does make me a bit sad that I have spent so much of my time not liking who I saw in the mirror for so many years, but I plan to not dwell on that too much and keep moving forward.


  1. You are (and I suspect have always been) a simply beautiful woman inside and out!

  2. So glad that you are seeing the "you" that you have always been.

  3. You ARE glowing with the radiance and beauty of living with authenticity and grace, Angie. SO lovely, you are. I feel so blessed that you are my cousin.
