Sunday, April 10, 2011

Rain, How I Love Thee :)

Rain is my favorite weather event. It would take me all day to tell you all of the things I love about the rain, so I will just give a synopses.

I love that I can tell the rain is coming. I love that I can smell wet pavement an hour before the rain comes. The clouds roll in, announcing something very exciting is about to happen.

Rain is the universe's sweetest of lullabies. It rocks me gently to sleep and makes me want to stay under the covers in the morning.

Rain fills up all of our physical senses; the feel of the water falling softly on my skin and the wet grass between between my toes, the smell of wet grass, wet dirt, wet pavement; seeing the water washing away and making new; the sound of raindrops hitting the leaves, the roof, the sidewalk; and the taste of the raindrops on my tongue.

Rain is a spiritual event.  When was the last time you danced in the rain or splashed in a puddle?


  1. Oh my said exactly how I feel! I love the rain, the thunder, the lightening....the atmostphere of it all! Last night I liked the storm but it was going on while we watched "The War of the Worlds" (Tom Cruise) that was just a LITTLE creepy!!

  2. LOL...I waited all the next day for those supposed nasty thunderstorms, but they all went right around us.

  3. I love this! You have given me a new perspective on a rainy day. I always have loved those same smells and loved the possibility of sleeping all day to the pitted patter and rumbles..but never did I look at it like a spiritual event. You have changed my outlook on it :) thank you

  4. Awesome! I'm glad my musings had a positive effect on you :)

  5. the rain as been unappreciated for a lifetime.we see negative side everytime we are fortunate enough to be blessed with these just glad there are people out there who sees the positive side.dont forget,the rain gives us a lifetime of memories.what's better than a dark saggy rainy morning or listening the rain drops at night just before you fall asleep?
